Wheat-ball Hero

Soo you have made your wheat-balls and can’t sing my praises enough… ahem. Maybe your threw them into pasta like I suggested in my previous post but I have a better idea! Drum roll please… wheat ball hero anyone? This is kinda of a sad recipe but it’s more about the concept, ok guys! As veggies we often don’t think of classic American food to serve but sometimes you need some nostalgia. So here it is in it’s rather small glory but boy was it good!

Wheat-ball Hero

  • 1 clove of garlic, grated
  • 1 tbsp butter/margarine
  • 1/2 cup of prepared pasta sauce
  • 1- 6″ italian-style roll
  • 4  tofu wheat-balls 
  • mozzarella and parmesan cheese to taste (or mozzarella style Daiya!!)


Preheat your oven to 425 degrees.

Slice your roll in half lengthwise and spread with butter or margarine.Grate garlic and spread half on each side of the roll. Place roll on cookie sheet and toast in the oven.

While the roll is toasting, in a  microwave safe bowl (or in small pot on the stove) heat up wheatballs in the pasta sauce.

Remove the sandwich roll from the oven once the edges are golden brown.Turn on the top broiler of the oven.  Spoon the wheat balls and sauce unto the bun. Grate cheese over the sandwich and return to the oven to melt for about 1 minute. Watch it as you could easily burn your sandwich therefore making you cry and we don’t want that. Happy people come from well executed sandwiches.


Wrapping Up Summer 2011

I know, I know I’m holding on to the warm days as much as anyone else but the days are getting shorter and the nights, cooler. I’m thinking about wrapping up my plants or bringing them inside and buying my dogs new sweaters. I’m thinking of baking warm delicious things at night and not sweating to death. I’m thinking about the fall leaves and festivals and all the new goodies at the market popping up. Fall is a wonderful time.

If you are like me, most of you are probably still holding on to the last of summer. We still have warm sunshiny days, I’m taking my dogs for extra long walks, I’m attending baseball games and still dining alfresco whether it’s picnic or patio. I wanted to post about what I did this summer in terms of food and life. Wrap up the things that worked and some that didn’t and the things I learned that will carry me on to the next summer.


In May,  AJ got us tons of stuff to try our hands at growing some vegetables and some herbs. With some guidance from both our Moms and a few friends, and a few clippings from Rebecca, I now have at least a little to show for it. As summer is wrapping up I wanted to catalogue our attempt at gardening. I feel we did a good job with what we have, I learned a lot and now next year we will be more fruitful. Growing a garden couldn’t be more easy. We grew ours in pots and are still collecting green treats on the regular. It’s going to be time to transfer some of it inside and that I’m still learning about plus I do not have much space.


Although May is technically Spring the garden carried me through all the rainy nights with the prospect of summer. I thought warm thoughts and rang in Cinco De Mayo preparing some delicious Mexican inspired recipes such as Black Bean Quesadillas served with home made Guacamole. I also tried a new Portuguese soup called Caldo Verde which warmed me up during the cold wet Spring.


In June, the rains of Spring finally ceased and I got to celebrate the first warm days with a picnic with Sue. After a long Winter and a cold wet Spring it felt so nice to sit in the grass and just lay in the sun with good company and simple but delicious food. It was AJ’s birthday so we did a lot of family celebrating, ate a lot of cake and drank a lot of beer. A good friend of mine got married and I helped with the photography and of course the drinking and the eating, to celebrate that is. Asparagus came into season and I was eating it along with bread and eggs every weekend. Simple fried eggs with home made bread toasted and a side of pan fried asparagus. I also reclaimed some stale bread and made Strata for the first time! BBQ season was starting up as was baseball  and we were working hard on getting a new rescue dog. 


In July the weather was great, we used the BBQ every time we got a chance. I barely cooked and took some time to relax while AJ took supper by the reins for us. I walked a lot to work and took extra long walks with Gambit. We still had a lot of planning and errands to do with getting Rogue at this point as well as I was training for a new position at work. July was very busy and flew by. Our office was part of the local Pride Parade which ran right into my Mother’s Birthday. She and my Dad came down a few times in July to have supper outside on a patio in down town Halifax. I got to make some new cocktails as well as one of the best cakes I’ve ever attempted a Chocolate Peanut Butter Torte. To end the month (July 28th) we successfully arranged Rogue’s transport thanks to a handful of devoted, gracious and generally amazing people. Rogue was finally home and we could relax and enjoy the new addition to the family.


In August we adjusted to the new family member. We had a lot of struggles at first. Rogue was previously abused, although her health was good. She peed on the floor almost every day, several times a day for about 3 weeks. She was hyper active due to kennel stress and her and Gambit were not getting a long at all. After several weeks they had become friends and by the end of August I was relieved. She still has a long way to go but it’s progress every day. Her and Gambit are friends now and I can tell how she relies on him to tell her what to do. She lacks in human and dog social skills but she is super smart and learning fast. During this time I was home a little more than usual, I had taken some time off to spend with the dogs and the time I took, I cooked and baked a lot. I made Vegan Lemon Poppy Seed Cake which was so moist and dense it was to die for. I attempted to focus on healthy recipes as I really did gain weight this summer and came up with a fresh strawberry salad dressing as well as a plum salsa. I found the perfect white bread recipe for my boyfriend and shared a wonderful white wine with Sue. August was really good to me.


It’s now September and I’m still eating sweet corn. We celebrated Gambit’s adoption day which was on 09/02 and had a big family BBQ. I accomplished one of my goals this summer which was to successfully BBQ a pizza. I got one more picnic in and got to see a place in Nova Scotia that even though it is super close to where I live, I had never even hear about it.  Of course this was a Susan directed adventure, she always knows the great places to visit. We later went back to York Redoubt and did a photo shoot as part of Susan’s Birthday celebrations. We also attended a Fringe Festival production called Mesmerize put on by some uber talented belly dancing/contortionist/hula-hooping godesses AND we drank wine of course! I actually found a California Red wine which I really liked! And finally, I followed a recipe from Joy the Baker/Tracy of shutterbean.com and became a vinegar potato salad convert.



I know I have four more days until it’s officially Fall however this weekend I have only Summer plans. It’s the end of baseball season and I’m going to go support the team and cheer as we only have 5 games left split over 2 days. I may wear shorts… gasp.. and I plan to spend the weekend with the doggies. As for next week I think I need to do some shopping!

Catching up and a recipe for Vegan Sandwich Spread

A few weeks back I took a few days vacation. My boyfriend and I finally had received our new family member, a pocket pitty from NYC who we re-named Rogue. The adoption itself took the better part of what at least seemed 2 months. During this time we tried hard to decompress Rogue and she is finally settled into her new home.


I prepared a lot of food as I couldn’t leave the house much. I came up with a few recipes as well as re-shot some photos that were missing from my blog. THEN my computer died, it was totally full of viruses and decided to let me know by crashing repeatedly then adopting a Windows 95′ theme. Luckily I did not loose anything but also I couldn’t update my blog. Now that my computer is back, I’m busy updating and trying to catch up.

One of the things I have been eating a lot of lately is sandwiches. They are on my mind all the time maybe because they are convenient and quick. However I’ve been eating them like it was the food I choose if I were stuck on a dessert island, straight up e’er day. Also, a not so secret fact of mine, I love mayo, like real Hellman’s mayo and while I’m still trying to cut out animal products I came up with this spread. It’s enough to 4 pieces of bread, so 4 sandwiches if the spread is on just one side, 2 if you like spread on both sides.

Vegan Sandwich Spread

  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 2-4 green and black olives, minced
  • 2-4 hot pepper rings, minced
  • a few dashes of hot sauce
  • 1 tsp grainy mustard
  • salt and pepper to taste
Prepare all ingredients and combine in a medium sized bowl. The contents can be mixed and left refrigerated for up to a day however the avocado will discolour. Spread on each side of the bread and top with red onions, dill pickles, fresh tomatoes and lettuce. Enjoy!

July is BBQ Season!

When we had a few days off due to AJ’s B Day a few weeks back and we did a lot of BBQ’ing. As a vegetarian I often get confronted with the association from meat-eaters that vegetarians don’t like to BBQ. It’s so wrong. I love to BBQ! I love BBQ food and I’m really going to try to experiment  more this summer. With Canada Day JUST passed and Independence Day right around the corner I encourage you to try to go meatless, I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

So what does a vegetarian BBQ you may ask? Everything I would say 😉 

Veggies such as potatoes sliced thin and packed in tinfoil with garlic, sliced onions olive oil and loads of pepper and Rosemary. We do corn in and out of the husk. Left over corn on the cob can be made into roasted corn salsa with black beans and fresh tomatoes, garlic, lime and cilantro. Grilled peppers, onion eggplant and zucchini just brushed with some oil and cooked up soft and sweet.


For meat alternatives there is a lot of choice now. A lot of brands make amazing veggie hot dogs my favorite are Blue Menu by PC and Yves Hot & Spicy Chili dogs. There are also tons or burgers, my Tofu Terriakyi burgers would re-heat well on the grill or just clean and oil a portabello mushroom and rub with pesto for a tasty sandwich.

If you want a more beef simulated burger I recommend PC version of Thick and Juicy Portobello Swiss vegetarian burgers although they are not vegan. PC does make other veggies burgers that are vegan as well as Yves, Boco Burgers and Veggie Patch.

You can try making your own veggie sausage and grilling it OR I reccomend trying the Tofurkey Italian Sausage as it’s my favorite but they make many options.

Try making your own tofu kababs or just alternate onion, peppers, and mushrooms. Buy or make flavorful sauces or marinate your tofu overnight or just slather it in the sauce when it comes off the grill.

If you really want to get creative try making pizza’s! Its some thing I haven’t tried yet but I’m so excited to do this summer. I also want to try making tempeh ribs or tofu steaks and vegan bacon made from tempeh with a maple syrup glaze. There are also loads of products out now that turn your BBQ into a smoke house which would be great for experimenting with all soy products.

If you are craving chicken, PC also makes vegan versions of chicken cutlets. They are called the World’s Best Meatless Seasoned Chicken Breasts and I agree. They are great to just grill and layer with smokey sweet BBQ sauce to serve. Great with a salad and potatoes or corn on the cob.

Don’t forget to make your guests some cocktails or wine spritzers or dole out the beer! I recenlty mixed white wine with blue caraco and PC version of San Pellegrino for a tasty wine cocktail. Refreshing and sweet with a nice kick.

For dessert grill some pineapple and serve with caramel sauce and rum over ice cream (or vegan alternative). Soo much to grill soo little time. Let me know what your favorite vegetarian recipe for the BBQ is!

Teriyaki Tofu Burgers

When I think tofu I think Asian flavors, I can’t help it… its just the way it should be. Well it could be other ways and other ways definatley could also be delicious but really are you putting lemongrass in your pasta or olives in your stir fry? Probably not, but if you are and it’s divine do me an flavor and tell me otherwise.

On my market adventure on the weekend I picked up some Acadiana Organic Tofu that is made right here in the Maritimes. It’s great stuff really, but it is softer than your average tofu, and by that I mean if you buy extra firm it’s more comparable to firm, if you buy firm it’s almost a medium and so on and so forth. That being said it’s excellent tofu for remolding (i.e Tofu turkey), and even better for making veggie burgers! It also comes in multiple sizes so this recipe is scaled to about 1/2 a package of a normal block of tofu or about 225 g. It yields about 6 medium sized patties, or 4 extra large ones. You could easily double it and freeze the patties to use at a later date. They are easy to make ahead and are a better consistency the next day.

Terriyaki Tofu Burgers

  • 225g tofu (firm is your best option, extra firm could work but may crumble more)
  • 3 green onions, washed and trimmed
  • 4 cloves of garlic, peeled
  • 2 tbsp of a good quality soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp honey or sugar ( for vegans)
  • 2 tbsp of raw sesame seeds
  • 1 tbsp (or to taste) of sriracha sauce
  • 1/4 cup of vital wheat gluten ( I like Bob’s RedMill)
  • 1/2 tsp fresh ground pepper
  • pre-made teriyaki sauce for brushing

Preheat oven to 300F
Rinse and pat dry tofu. Break into 1-2 inch chunks and process in a food processor until tofu forms a cookie dough like consistency. Empty into medium bowl.
Add green onion and whole cloves of garlic to the same food processor, there is no need to clean. Process until you have a fine mince, but not so far as to be a paste.
Add Green onion mixture, honey(or sugar), soy sauce, sriracha, sesame seeds and pepper to tofu mixture and mix well. Add vital wheat gluten and combine with a wooden spoon. The tofu mixture should resemble the feel of hamburger in terms of moisture and weight. Form into 4-6 even size balls and let rest on a plate.
Prepare a cookie sheet, and flatten each ball with your hand until it’s about 1/2″ thick and the outside is rounded. Lay each burger on the cookie sheet, you should be able to accommodate all burgers on one sheet unless you double the recipe. Bake burgers for 15 minutes, then remove from oven and gently flip. Once burgers are flipped cook for an additional 15 minutes. Burgers should be medium golden brown, if you are ready to eat them now brush with pre-made teriyaki sauce and serve with sauteed onions and mushrooms placed on a whole wheat bun with lettuce. These are good stuffed into pitas with ginger dressing sprouts and spinach. If you freeze them let them thaw over night in the fridge and use a frying pan or a tinfoil covered grill to reheat.
Also don’t attempt to fry them like I did. The vital wheat gluten really needs to be cooked for at least 20 minutes in order for it to firm up and become elastic. Although the result was still delicious, they were not pretty, see below if you don’t trust me! Scrambled mess. I just ended up mixing it with frozen corn and called it my supper for the night.